You can find out how to wash and dry your hair properly in the article - Wie wasche ich meine Haare richtig? - read. Afterwards you should definitely apply lotion to your hair so that the necessary moisture can be stored in the hair. If your hair is no longer quite damp, you can shorten it with a Mixture of oil & water spray. You can do that for creaming Ieave-In von Afrolove or Onda Natural (for children) use. With this you have optimally moistened your hair.
In order to store the moisture in the hair, you then seal the hair. You can do this in two different steps. Depending on your hair, you may find that one of the two methods is better at retaining moisture in your curls.
1. Method - PIACE (Leave-In - ISIANDl - Creme)
You have already used leave-in. Then you work the oil into your hair and finally the Curling Creme von Afro Iove a.
2. Method - EMA (Leave-In - Creme - ISIANDl)
After the leave-in you first take the curling cream and then the olive oil.
For my hair, I found that the PIACE-Method works best.
Do you have your own methods of applying lotion to your hair or questions that I have not dealt with in this article? Then leave me a comment :-)
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